With a grain of salt, balance hormones and lose weight As you know, I dedicate my life to making my "Third Act" the best it can be. And what I learn, I love to share with you.
If you have ten minutes, learn how the right kind of salt and how much salt will make your "Third Act" AWESOME!
I am writing to you from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Have you ever been there? It is now on my favorite list. I had never heard of it until we accidentally ended up here. In an earlier post, I told you how the GPS told Vicky to go north instead of south while I took a nap, and we ended WAY north of our original plans, Did you know American Indians of all tribes came to Hot Springs, Arkansas, to heal their bodies? The Indians considered it a neutral place where all tribes could come to heal without bias. Did you know Hot Springs, Arkansas, was made into a National Park forty years before Yellowstone? Did you know gangsters lived here, and Al Capone used to book the entire fourth floor of The Arlington Hotel?
Did you know that Hot Springs was the Las Vegas of America before there was a Las Vegas?
We are here because Vicky wanted to visit some natural hot springs for her birthday.
I googled and found Hot Springs, Arkansas. It's her birthday today, and her wish came true. Vicky and I spent several hours sitting in one of the mineral baths in one of the bathhouses that made Hot Springs famous.Our bodies feel so frigging fantastic after sitting in these natural hot spring mineral baths.
Because our bodies yearn for minerals and the hot spring water opens up our pores so the minerals from the water can be absorbed into our body and do their magic.
Anyhoo...Let me tell you a story that I wrote many years ago.
I took some Celtic Salt and rubbed it onto the ribeyes sitting on the big cutting board.
"Hey Dad, where does salt come from?" I looked down, and my ever-curious eight-year-old daughter looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes.
"It depends," I said as my mental fingers went through my memory files.
"I know!" She shouted like a student who thought she was the only one in the class that knew the answer. "The sea!" She said.
I chuckled and said, "You are absolutely right. All salt comes from the sea." I said.
"That's why they call it sea salt." She said proudly.
"You are the smartest eight-year-old I know. You're right. Many of my patients think that salt comes from other places. But all salt comes from the sea in one way or another."
I went over to the cabinet and grabbed some Morton's Salt. I sprinkled a little bit into my palm. I showed it to Vanessa.
"This is what I would call table salt. It comes from underground mines found throughout the United States. They have these tunnels that go for miles and miles in different directions. They use these tunnels to store top-secret government documents. The tunnels are very low in moisture because the salt absorbs all the water from the air keeping the humidity very low. Isn't that cool?"
"How deep are the mines?" She asked.
"I don't know, but some are very deep, like a couple of thousand feet deep. They mine this salt from salt beds found below the earth's surface. These stores of salt have been around for millions of years. They are the leftovers from great seas that covered our mainland."
"But Mom said the earth is only 6000 years old."
"Yes, both Mom and Pastor Jeremy are right. This 6000-year-old salt is then taken, and they bleach it. That's why it's so white."
"Like with laundry bleach?" She asked.
"The same stuff."
"Yuck!" She said.
"I'm not too worried about the bleach. Most of the chlorine evaporates away. I'm more worried about the other chemicals they put in salt like anti-caking agents and dextrose."
She looked at me quizzically.
I grabbed the blue container and read the ingredients to her.
"Right here are the ingredients within this table salt. It has calcium silicate as an anti-caking agent and dextrose. Calcium silicate is used, so the salt will not clump together, especially if the weather is humid. Dextrose is glucose, which is sugar."
"They put sugar in salt."' Vanessa said, stunned.
I chuckled." Now I don't believe that you can get enough calcium silicate or dextrose from table salt to cause harm, but if you're taking a tablespoon of it daily for decades, who knows? What bothers me is that it's just not necessary."
I put my hands on Vanessa's face and stared into her eyes.
"The secret of eating healthy foods is to eat foods as close to the way God made them. Always choose God-made food over human-made food. For example, when humans started putting calcium silicate and sugar into salt, they changed salt from a God-made salt to a man-made salt."
"But Dad, wouldn't God-made salt be dirty?" She asked.
"Yes, so look for salt that has been clean like it was done from the beginning of time, a natural way. Pink salt is washed by hand at the source."
"So, I should eat hand-washed six thousand-year-old salts then?" She said as she smiled.
I nodded with a smile.
"So Doc, You said that you were using Celtic salt. Is that the salt you prefer?"
"I prefer Celtic salt when I'm using it as a rub. My everyday salt is Pink Himalayan salt."
"I don't use either one. Why should I? Isn't salt just sodium and chloride?" She asked.
"Let's talk about Pink Himalayan salt first. Once a long time ago in Pakistan, a mountain range sprouted from the earth. It carried with it a sea. The water eventually evaporated, leaving behind a giant bed of salt. Then millions, or most likely, billions of years, passed. As time passed, these salt beds were pressured by the tectonic plates of these mountains. The pressure turned the salt into compressed rose-colored boulders. The salts may be called Himalayan, but these mountains in Pakistan are not the Himalayas. It is near them, though."
"Is the pressure what caused the salt to turn pink?" She asked.
"No. What makes the salt pink is iron oxide,"
"Is the iron the reason you like the pink Himalayan salt better than other salts?" She asked.
"No. I like Pink Himalayan Salt better than table salt because it tastes better. And it has lots of other minerals within it:
...some of these minerals we need and others we don't. Pink Himalayan salt has magnesium, potassium, and calcium. I do want to be transparent. There isn't enough of these minerals to do a lot with, but if you take a teaspoon of it every day for your entire life, it has to add up."
"You said when it came to the minerals in Pink Himalayan Salt, 'some we don't' need. Could you clarify that for me, please?"
"Some of my colleagues do not recommend pink Himalayan Salt. They claim that Pink Himalayan Salt may be radioactive. They say this because other minerals are compressed into it, like plutonium and uranium. But! If this salt has been around for thousands, millions, or billions of years, any radiation has burnt itself out long ago. And again, there may be 80 or more minerals in a rock of Pink Himalayan salt; nearly all of the rock is still made up of two minerals you mentioned, sodium and chlorine."
"So, you like Pink Himalayan Salt because it tastes better." She stated.
"Yes. And it's pretty, has numerous other essential minerals, is made by God, and its price has gone way down over the years where Celtic Salt hasn't lost its designer salt status. Pink Himalayan Salt has become more mainstream, and its price reflects this."
"But you still use Celtic Salt?" She asked.
"Yes, I do. Celtic salt comes from France. I like to use it when cooking. I use Pink Himalayan salt as a finishing salt. I use Celtic Salt when I am prepping the meat. I do this because Celtic salt retains moisture. It is mixed with clay. Instead of being over Ninety percent sodium chloride like Pink salt, Celtic is more like thirty percent. It too has several dozen different trace minerals within it."
"Salt is not only an essential part of our lives and health; salt is like air and water. We would not be alive if it weren't for salt. Sodium ions are necessary for our body to perform optimally. Sodium is essential to maintain the fluid in our blood cells. That is why blood is salty tasting. It is also necessary for the small intestine to be able to absorb nutrients. Salt is also an essential mineral. Essential means we have to consume it through our diet. Meat-eaters consume enough salt from the meat. But in ancient times, gatherers had to find salt by tracking animals, who always knew where salt could be found.
"Salt is essential to optimizing our hormones and weight."
When it comes to our "Third Act" there are two main concerns that we have with salt.
Will it help our hormones?
Will it help us lose our belly fat?
Salt is an anti-inflammatory. You say WHAT?
When you work all day in the yard and your muscles and joints ache, what is one of the best remedies?
Recall, I mentioned American Indians used to come to the Hot Springs to heal. Hot mineral springs have been used for millenniums to heal all sorts of ailments. After sitting in a natural mineral bath in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Vicky and I feel fantastic.
When you overwork your muscles, they inflame. All your chronic diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and Alzheimer's, are caused by chronic inflammation.
Inflammation is, in reality, retained water.
When you bathe in salt/minerals, the saltwater pulls out the retained water of inflammation. Mineral baths are one of the best tools to eliminate inflammation. Mineral baths suck the inflammation right out of you. So take mineral baths to improve your hormones because inflammation is the primary disruptor to your hormones.
Also, the more magnesium the salt has, the better because magnesium will cause you to sleep better, and the better you sleep, the better your hormonal balance will be. God-made salts have magnesium, whereas table salt does not. As you will learn in a future class, magnesium is essential while on HOPE. Magnesium is one of my top five supplements. Most of the world is deficient in magnesium. Magnesium helps with sleep, blood sugar, and detoxing our bodies.
I've shown you how mineral baths can help with your hormones, but what happens if you consume too much salt? You retain water. You inflame. You need salt, but you need just enough.
Belly Fat
Studies show that the more salt you consume, the more you weigh. It's logical because consuming salt causes your body to retain more water. But salty diets appear to be linked to higher body fat, and it's the fat we are dealing with in Phase One of HOPE, especially belly fat!
You are probably thinking the same thoughts as me. Of course, this is true because people that eat salty foods are snacking on chips, fast food, fried foods, processed foods, and restaurant meals. All of these foods are also high in calories. These foods that I call unconscious and addictive are also calorically dense; they're high in calories.
So, this all makes sense; high salt, high calories, and snacks, of course, would cause higher weights.
But, research also has shown that eating a salty diet increases your appetite.
And we all know what that does. And salt makes our thirst increase, making us more likely to drink our calories; think how soda pop and beer taste so much better with a hot dog and peanuts. So we figured that all out. High salt and high calories cause increased weight and belly fat.
Then a 2015 study proved salt and heavier weights were associated without an increase in caloric intake. What? They found a connection between salt, obesity, and our gut bacteria's microbiomes. In Phase Two, the most challenging and most rewarding protocol is our gut protocol. Moderating our sodium intake may help us maintain healthier gut flora, associated with healthier body weight. Who saw that coming?
Guess what food has the most salt of the foods we regularly consume? BREAD!
As I have mentioned, Human-made salt is bleached and refined. These actions strip away most of the salt's nutritional value. Not having the other minerals in your diet will cause you to crave foods that do have those minerals and possibly cause you to overeat or snack.
God Made salt is divine; ask the top chefs in the world. They rarely use man-made salt. Salt made by God will make a bland dish be filled with excitement. Speaking of chefs, MOST OF OUR SALT INTAKE COMES FROM EATING MEALS WE DID NOT COOK!
According to a study done by the University of Minnesota:
Sodium from restaurants accounted for 71 percent of the sodium consumed.
Sodium naturally occurring within the food accounted for 14.2 percent.
Sodium added during at-home food preparation accounted for 5.6 percent.
Sodium added to food at the table made up only 4.9 percent.
Tell the waiters to tell the chef to take it easy on the salt when you eat out.
Salt also helps with both the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins. God-Made salt activates our salivary glands to release amylase, an enzyme that helps breakdown carbs.
In addition, God-made salt helps stimulate hydrochloric acid and an enzyme that digests protein. With our foods being broken down better, our body will easily absorb needed nutrients, and when our body has all the nutrients it needs, it doesn't cause an increase in appetite or cravings.
How Much Salt?
According to the FDA, Americans consume about 3,400 mg of sodium per day on average. However, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends adults limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day. 2300 mg is equal to about one teaspoon of salt per day! I use even less. I find about 1000 mg of added God-made salt is enough to keep my body running at its peak.
Please stop using human-made salt because refined salt has had God knocked out of it. Celtic and Pink Himalayan Salts tastes better, have more taste with less used, and are filled with many other minerals.
Here are Amazon links to both Celtic Salt and Pink Himalayan Salt. SUMMARY
Just the right amount of salt is essential to living a high-quality long life. Too much salt will cause problems with your hormones, weight, and liver. I get most of my salt from making Salty lemon water in the morning. I only use a pinch of salt as a rub to my meats. I limit my salt to four pinches, one for my lemon water and one for each meal during prepping. And remember,
"We are nothing more than reflections of our hormones."
If you are interested in optimizing your hormones and weight before summer, I challenge you to schedule a FREE coaching session with me this week and...
Learn the steps you'll need to take to optimize your hormones.
Learn the menu we use to lose weight weekly without caloric restriction consistently.
Learn each step of The Mac Liver Detox developed over the last forty years, so it happens more quickly.
And learn The Mac Self Discipline Protocol to make it all happen easily.

This is a picture of Vicky standing in front of The Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Al Capone would book the entire fourth floor for him and his bodyguards The exciting thing about this picture is that Vicky is holding a bottle of the best water on the planet, according to those that know. The water is called Mountain Valley Spring Water, bottled in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Yes, I have blogged about it.
❤️ The Macs "Menopause Tamers" Making Our "Third Acts" Awesome!
PS Learn everything you will need to do to lose your belly fat, which is the most important thing you can do while in your "Third Act" of life by scheduling a one-on-one FREE coaching session with me. All you have to do is click on the link below.
© 2022 | Doc Mac Coaching
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None of the statements on this website have been evaluated by the FDA.
Furthermore, none of the statements within this post should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent disease. You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.