Download Specctra Router
Hi, there is a company called Konekt that make a look alike clone of Specctra the package is called electra. Last time i had looked at it, it didn't have edit route capability which imho is by far specctra's best feature.I believe MakeDo has been gone for some time. I found a webinar on youtube that EMA did on Autorouting called " How to make your autorouter work for you" The webinar provided very good info on creating do files and how to use taxing. Maybe check it out.
download specctra router
Computamation are Dealers for the Konekt 'Electra'advanced autorouter, which is available as a third-partyenhancement tothe core Vutrax router modules.Electra is currently only available for Windows basedsystems
ELECTRA is a new generation of Shape-Based Autoroutingsoftware for PC boards. By contrast with traditionalgridded mazeautorouters, a shape-based approach allows for moreefficient use of routing area and is more suited tohandle complex designrules requirements of high density SMD or through holesboards.
ELECTRA is driven by layout rules. Each net can haveits own minimum clearance and wiring constraints. Netclass and netscan be constrained to be routed on specific layers anduse different rules for each of the layers. Differentvia type can beassigned to net classes, these could be used for examplefor power and ground current carrying requirements. Theautorouterfinds a solution that simultaneously respects all definedrules.
The router itself comes with some Konekt suppliedrats-nests. Two trial versions are available to downloadfrom this Vutrax web site:-Electra Autorouter Freeware (250 pin) Installer (about 12 MBytes)RightClick and [Save .. As] possibly selecting the nameelectra_4.18_free250pin.exe to avoid conflict with otherinstallers you have downloaded. Make sure you know which folder the file was stored in.
Electra Autorouter Unlimited 14 day trial (about 12 MBytes)RightClick and [Save .. As] possibly selecting the nameelectra_4.18_14day.exe to avoid conflict with otherinstallers you have downloaded. Make sure you know which folder the file was stored in.The full capacity in this version is only available if yourVutrax system is configured for the capacity you want.
If, after a look at the Konekt samples, you would liketo try your own artworks from within Vutrax proceed asfollows:-Download a new Vutrax for Windows installer whichincludes enabling of the Specctra/Electra Autorouterinterface withthe 256 pin free version. To bring up the appropriatedownload page as a fresh window click Windows Installer DownloadsDownload the Specctra/Electra Autorouter Interface. Tobring up the appropriate download page as a fresh windowclickInterface DownloadsUpdate your Vutrax using Install from (File -> Setup ->Configuration) selecting the 'FreeLimited Capacity Vutrax'selection. When offered during installation, or afterwards,install the Specctra/Electra Autorouter Interface.If you have an existing configured Vutrax systemthen you should install a second copy of Vutrax (e.g.into \VDEMO withsimilar group name) but using the free issue. If yousubsequently have problems starting your main system,reboot and theproblem will clear itself. To uninstall the demo useExplorer to remove all of \VDEMO rather thanVutrax uninstall whichwill discard your Vutrax preferences.
You will find the interface in the Functions section as Vtx to Specctra and Specctra to Vtx.The Help button in the dialogueswill take you to any documentation you need for theconverters.If you downloaded Electra from theKonect site (rather than and importing the routed result doesn't show any routes, consultSAN220.HTM for a fix.The Electra documentation can be accessed through theElectra menu bar Help item - youneed Adobe Acrobat.
Pricing for the router is based on number of layersrouted rather than capacity. The details are includednear the end of thetable section of the Detailed Price List.The Vutrax-Electra interface software is supplied free ifyou purchase the router from the linked download, andbuy a newVutrax license or have a current maintenance contract.
Specctra is a commercial PCB auto-router originally developed by John F. Cooper and David Chyan of Cooper & Chyan Technology, Inc. (CCT) in 1989.[2] The company and product were taken over by Cadence Design Systems in May 1997.[3][2][4] Since its integration into Cadence's Allegro PCB Editor, the name of the router is Allegro PCB Router. The latest version is 17.4 - 22.1 (October 20 2022).
On the first pass, the connection of all conductors is performed, regardless of the presence of conflicts, which consist in crossing the conductors on one layer and breaking the gaps. On each subsequent pass, the auto-router tries to reduce the number of conflicts by breaking and re-building connections (the ripup-and-retry router method) and pushing the conductors by pushing the neighboring ones (the push-and-shove router method). Electromagnetic compatibility can be tested in Specctra through the "SPECCTRAQuest SI Expert" module.[5]
Description: You may apply to become a preferred beta tester for ProCAD PowerStation 32 and related utilities. Please e-mail our beta test coordinator your name, e-mail address, daytime phone number and a short biography detailing your experience with any Schematic Capture and/or PCB Layout EDA software. ProCAD PowerStation 32 user's should also include their serial number in the e-mail. If accepted, you will be e-mailed download instructions and other information regarding work in progress. Click here to send e-mail to Beta tester coordinator. Price: Free - Version: N/A - Platform(s): Win 9x/2000/XP/Vista/Vista/Win7/Win8
TopoR is a free software published in the CAD list of programs, part of Graphic Apps.This CAD program is available in English, Russian. It was last updated on 22 October, 2022. TopoR is compatible with the following operating systems: Windows.The company that develops TopoR is Novarm, Ltd.. The latest version released by its developer is 4.3. This version was rated by 6 users of our site and has an average rating of 3.7.The download we have available for TopoR has a file size of 13.40 MB. Just click the green Download button above to start the downloading process. The program is listed on our website since 2009-03-17 and was downloaded 613 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded software with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the TopoR as malware if the download link is broken.How to install TopoR on your Windows device:Click on the Download button on our website. This will start the download from the website of the developer.
Once the TopoR is downloaded click on it to start the setup process (assuming you are on a desktop computer).
When the installation is finished you should be able to see and run the program.
Communication with other CAD software via DSN/SES files. It's possible now to replace the SPECCTRA & ELECTRA autorouters.Export to PADS.Wires can be presented by lines without arcs.DRC is available in the "Manual routing" mode.You can view detailed descriptions and
In Kicad 5, the autorouter that was included in Kicad 4 has been removed. It is likely that a new autorouter will be added in the future. Until then, you can use an external autorouter. In this recipe you will learn how to use Freerouting, and open source autorouter.
In my experience, the easiest way to install Freeroute is by installing yet another application, LayoutEditor. LayoutEditor is a general editor that is used in micro and nano electronics. It happens to package a binary version of Freerouting, and to have installers for a huge variety of operating systems. This means that you will not have to worry about downloading the source code of Freerouting, and compiling it for your operating system. For this reason along, it is worth downloading it and installing it.
While the autorouter did its job, there is still work that you will have to do. For example, you will need to pay attention to power traces and confirm or edit their widths. You must also run the Design Rules Check to ensure that none of the design rules are violated.
Whether you use the autorouter or not is a personal choice. There does not seem to be a consensus on this topic, with many people opting to use it, and many others preferring manual routing. The newer versions of Kicad, starting with Kicad 4, introduced powerful interactive routing tools which make manual routing fast. As you become more experienced and skilled in routing, you will be able to produce routing outcomes that are far superior than those produced by even the best autorouters.
The SPECCTRA auto router can help to complete the routing of a PCB without a limit in layers. To influence the layout several parameters can be adjusted, such as fanout and routing direction. The auto router in OrCAD Professional also takes high speed rules like propagation delay into account. A router might not do the complete board, but when used wisely it supports the PCB designer to finish digital elements with constraints faster. Feasibility studies are done in minutes and give an indication, if the board is routable with this number of layers. Auto-interactive routing commands support the user in manipulation the automatically done routing.
Trace-Router can route single-sided, double-sided and multilayer boards automatically with no fuss or unnecessary complications. Multi-layer boards are routed using all layers concurrently for maximum results. Where there are surface mounted pads connected to inner plane layers, the autorouter will automatically insert stub tracks through vias to these layers.