"How you look and feel is nothing more than a reflection of your hormones.."
If you want to lose weight and feel great, schedule a free week of coaching -->

Doc, since I became middle-aged, I have gained more weight than I could ever imagine, and no matter what I do, I can't lose any of it.
On top of my weight gain, I have a difficult time getting a good night's sleep; I am suffering from anxiety, I have days where I feel low, I have lost any interest in being intimate, and I have no motivation to be social.
This is not me.
My friend says you can help. Can you?
When you were twenty-nine, your hormones were elevated and harmonized. As you age, your hormones become disrupted, deficient, and imbalanced, causing you to feel and look older than you would like. There are three hormones involved with being paused.
ESTRADIOL is the "feminine" hormone.
PROGESTERONE is the "happy" hormone
TESTOSTERONE is the "masculine" hormone.
Estradiol is the feminine hormone. It makes women and men feminine. The more estradiol you have, the more feminine you will be.
Estradiol is a strong fat-storing hormone. The more estradiol you have, the more you will store fat in your breasts, hips, and bellies.
Estradiol is an incredible anti-aging hormone. Estradiol makes you pretty and keeps you young-looking; therefore, we want a lot of it. We just don't want it to be the dominant hormone.
Progesterone is the happy hormone. I call it the 60's hormone because it's all about peace, love, and flower power.
Progesterone is also, indirectly, a woman's fat-burning hormone. I say indirectly because it keeps estradiol's ability to store fat in check.
Progesterone is also your sleep hormone. It puts you to sleep at night and keeps you asleep. It is the hormone that keeps us cool, calm, and collected.
Testosterone is the masculine hormone. It builds muscle and creates V-shaped bodies. It also grows hair where you least desire it.
Testosterone is also the drive hormone. Testosterone causes increased sex drives, the drive to be successful, and the drive to be first in line at the next red light.
Testosterone is the ultimate fat-burning hormone. It especially burns belly fat. Men and women with high levels of testosterone will usually have six-pack abs.
A woman's typical menstrual cycle lasts twenty-eight days. Estradiol increases daily during the first fourteen days until it hits its mark, causing ovulation. The ovum is released into the fallopian tube, and progesterone and testosterone ooze like lava from the spot where the egg was released.
As a woman ages, her estradiol level decreases, and eventually, she doesn't achieve the estradiol level that causes her to ovulate. If she does not ovulate, her ovaries no longer produce progesterone and testosterone, and she falls into the hormone abyss.
"Menopause is, in reality, hormonal chaos caused by the cessation of ovulation."
Without the ovarian hormones that cause calmness and drive, a woman falls into the hormone abyss of menopause.
As a man ages, his testosterone level decreases, and eventually, he loses his drive, gains weight, and walks into being "a grumpy old man."
Where women fall into the hormone abyss, men stroll over a decade or so into the hormone abyss of andropause.
The first signs of being in Meno or Andro Paused are
Sudden weight gain
And the inability to lose that weight no matter what you do. (Weight Loss Resistance)
You can cut your calories, join a gym, hire a personal trainer, go to boot camps, and when paused, a woman or man will continue to gain weight, especially around the belly. The reason is that their fat-burning hormones become deficient and, in some cases, nonexistent.
"You can't burn fat without fat-burning hormones."
As a woman ages, her progesterone levels become deficient, and she becomes estrogen-dominant.
As a man ages, his testosterone levels become deficient, and he becomes estrogen-dominant.
The first phase of the hormone abyss for both women and men is a hormonal condition called...
Recall that estradiol is a powerful fat-storing hormone, and progesterone is indirectly a woman's fat-burning hormone because it keeps estradiol's ability to store fat in check, and testosterone is the ultimate fat-burning hormone.
When estradiol becomes your dominant hormone, you start storing fat like crazy. I call it The Paused 30 because most of us gain 30 or more pounds in a matter of months once we become Paused.
"Most of the adverse symptoms related to being over forty are hormonal,
and the primary hormonal condition we suffer from is Estrogen Dominance."
The textbook symptoms of Estrogen Dominance are:
Weight Gain
Weight Loss Resistance
Sleeping Disorders
Hormonally Induced Anxiety
Hormonally Induced Depression
Loss of Interest in Being Intimate
Loss of Motivation to be Social
Hot Flashes/Night Sweats
Before I move into how we tame Estrogen Dominance, let me tell you a little about how my wife and I eventually opened seven medical clinics specializing in hormone and weight optimization throughout Northern California.
After I received my Doctorate, I dreamed of owning and operating a wellness center that offered lifestyle changes to create the health we desired. I soon discovered that wellness was a synonym for Nutritional Medicine. That was a problem because we were taught very little about nutrition as undergraduates. Nearly all of my nutritional knowledge came from attending post-graduate nutritional conferences and experimenting with and treating patients.
Then...as my wife and I aged, we became hormonally challenged by our pauses, menopause, and andropause. At that time, I had been practicing Nutritional Medicine for twenty-five years. I knew a lot about nutrition but very little about hormones. I asked my colleagues for a referral, but no one knew of anyone who specialized in reducing the symptoms of being "paused."
My wife and I knew that our hormones were causing our symptoms, but just like nutrition, doctors and nurses were taught very little about hormones, especially the hormones involved with our pauses. We soon discovered that the only place we could learn about hormones was The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
My wife and I attended their conferences, and I eventually took their test to become board-certified in anti-aging medicine and passed. I combined my newfound hormone knowledge with my decades of practicing nutritional medicine and voilà.
We took our knowledge and developed an integrative medical clinic that employed medical doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, and nurses working together to optimize our patients' hormones and weight.
We became the go-to clinic for the relief of the plethora of symptoms caused by the hormonal disruption caused by menopause and andropause.
Once we added hormone optimization protocols to our weight optimization protocols, the demand for our protocol allowed us to open seven integrative medical clinics throughout Northern California in eighteen months.
After helping thousands of women and men alleviate their pause symptoms, I have put all I learned into a step-by-step protocol called The HOPE Protocol. It is particularly designed for women and men to tame estrogen dominance and return to their ideal healthy weight.
Since combining hormone optimization with weight optimization in 2010, I have written books, a well-read blog, and a popular newsletter called The Pause that helps women and men alleviate the symptoms of menopause and andropause. We have tens of thousands of subscribers to our newsletter alone. You can subscribe to our free weekly newsletter by clicking the link below. After you enroll, please return to this webpage because I want to show you some case studies and how they achieved the results they did.
Once we retired from practice in 2015, Vicky and I purchased a small, fancy RV. Our two oldest children and our three oldest grandchildren live in Florida, and our three youngest children and our three youngest grandchildren live in California. We started diddle-daddling back and forth across the country. We stay in Florida, then California, then Florida.
While traveling, Vicky discovered we had forgotten to disconnect our 800 number. When she discovered my mistake, there were numerous voicemails of women wanting help. We listened to their voicemails, and they broke our hearts. She convinced me to call and talk to some of these women, especially since I had given up golf. It turned out that golf was a great way for me to "ruin a good walk." I called and talked to these women and fell in love with virtual coaching.
As we travel coast to coast, I now spend my time helping menopausal women and andropausal men lose weight, sleep again, lose their hormonal-induced anxiety and depression, get their self-confidence back, and be who they should be while in their "Third Act" of life.
This is the time we should be our best. We should look and feel great, enjoy our spouses, and travel to all the places we promised to visit someday.
Let me introduce you to Laura.

We Specialize In Total Body Transformation!
Above is the first client of many that we will introduce to you. As you can see, she transformed her external body and internal chemistry. Once her hormones were optimized, she went from a dress size 20 to a 2 quickly and easily. Oh, and her post-picture was sent years after she completed the program. She wanted us to know how easy and successful it was for her to maintain her weight loss. Of course, your results may vary.
So, since estrogen dominance is the first hormonal condition we acquire once we mature, let me explain how we tame it. I call this system The HOPE Protocol.
I have discovered that four strands must be intertwined to optimize our hormones and weight.
The Four Strands of The HOPE Protocol are:
Hormone Optimization
Organic Sustenance
Purification Protocols
Enlightenment Coaching
Another way to look at The HOPE Protocol Strands are
Hormone Optimization
Weight Optimization
Health Optimization
Mind Optimization
Hormone Optimization
As we age, our hormones decrease and become imbalanced. It isn't the reduced levels that cause the most trouble. It is the imbalance created by some hormones decreasing more quickly than others. While working with patients and clients, we have found that three sets of hormones cascade into dysfunction as we age.
Ovarian/Gonadal Hormones
Thyroid Hormones
Adrenal Hormones
We have found that when we first stumble into the hormone abyss, the first set of hormones to go awry are the ovarian/gonadal hormones. If the ovarian hormone dysfunction is not corrected, the dysfunction cascades into the thyroid hormones. Then, if the thyroid hormones are not addressed, the dysfunction will cascade into the adrenal hormones. Our program is customized to address each set of hormones in order.
We optimize hormones naturally by experimenting with one natural method per week until we have the right combination of tools that work best for you. We have developed a methodical step-by-step course that teaches you how to tame estrogen dominance first, then thyroid dysfunction, and lastly, adrenal dysfunction.
Organic Sustenance
As we age, our hormones become dysfunctional, and we gain weight rapidly. Most of this excess weight occurs in our bellies, hips, and breasts. It took us decades to discover a menu that would melt fat from our hormonally challenged bodies. We found that we had to combine five different types of menus into one to succeed at losing our excess paused fat once we no longer had fat-burning hormones caused by age.
These menus are:
An anti-inflammatory menu
A high-protein menu
A low glycemic menu
A nutrient-dense menu
A high-fiber menu
Since we no longer have fat-burning hormones, we must manipulate two other hormones: insulin and glucagon. You see, insulin opens the doors to our cells so blood glucose can flow freely into the cell, where it will be turned into fat and stored. Glucagon also opens the cells' doors, but instead of opening the entrance doors, it opens the exit doors and lets the stored fat be released to be used as fuel.
We do that with a special menu we call The Meso-Menu. It is designed to decrease inflammation, build muscle, bottom-out insulin, supply us with the nutrients necessary to optimize health and the fiber necessary to optimize gut health.
But no one recipe works for everyone. We found that everyone is different. Our patients and clients have different hormone levels, metabolisms, food likes and dislikes, schedules, etc.
Therefore, every menu had to be customized for each client. This is not a diet. Our clients never have to count calories, weigh food, or deprive themselves. Deprivation diets have been proven repeatedly not to work.
We customize a menu to decrease inflammation, control blood sugar and insulin, optimize health, and feed our microbiomes.
Purification Protocols
After developing the first two strands, we successfully created a system to assist naturally in optimizing hormones and weight. But we are Americans, and we want results like yesterday. You must optimize your liver function to balance your hormones and lose excess paused weight quickly.
During Phase One of The HOPE Protocol, we teach you how to do just that. In Phase Two, we teach you how to optimize your gut; in Phase Three, we teach you how to optimize your brain.
It took years of experimentation, but we developed liver, gut, and brain optimization protocols. We found that the cleaner your body becomes of human-made substances, the healthier you become.
So, we combined hormone and weight optimization protocols with three detoxing purification protocols to optimize your health.
Enlightenment Coaching
Then my patients came to me and said...
"Wow, the detox was great. I have never felt this healthy. The closer I get to my goal weight, the more difficult it seems. Is there anything I can do to make achieving my goal easier?"
I knew the answer.
When I opened my main wellness practice in 1986, we successfully changed people's lives. Our practice soared. We saw over five hundred patients weekly in our first six months. A magazine article was written about the practice, and a motivational company CEO read it. I was invited to be groomed to coach doctors as a motivational speaker. I traveled to most of the major cities throughout North America, jumping up and down on stages, telling them my secrets.
I wasn't a very good motivational speaker, but I got to hang out with the best in the business. New York Times Bestsellers to this day. We all taught the same thing. The key to success is self-discipline.
But how do you strengthen self-discipline? I picked these self-discipline gurus' minds for three years and discovered that success came down to one straightforward action.
Thought Management!
I learned that correct thinking can achieve anything. The fourth strand of The HOPE Protocol teaches you how to manage your thoughts, emotions, actions, and results.

❤️ The Macs
👇 👇👇
Every one of these women scheduled free coaching with Doc Mac.
Of Course, Your Results May Vary
Seventy-Pound Transformation



Sixty-Pound Transformation
Seventy-Pound Transformation
Sixty-Pound Transformation
Quickly and Easily
My husband, who loves to research and write, eventually took everything we learned and developed a protocol he calls The HOPE Protocol. I will tell you more about what HOPE stands for a little later, but for now, I want to let you know how our coaching program works.
If you are like me and want to get where you're going quickly and easily, I use my maps app. Our coaching program works just like a maps app.
After practicing health optimization for over four decades, my husband has discovered that we all need four tools to ensure that we achieve our health goals. I will explain each of these tools below.
These tools will rid you of your belly fat, drop dress sizes, and you will regain your self-confidence back. You will be the "YOU" that you desire to be. And It will all happen quickly and easily, I promise.

Coaching Sessions
Everyone is different. If you're not averaging a half pound-a-day weight loss, we schedule a phone session to customize the program.

Failure Coaching
We all fall off the horse. When you do, we pick you up off the ground, dust you off, place you back on the horse and get you galloping again.

Step-by-step instructions in video and written format to optimize your hormones and weight. Doc Mac also has numerous specialty courses.

Daily texting directly keeps you accountable because we expect daily weight loss and get it. Every morning you text us your stats and we coach you to your goals.
Schedule Your Free Week Of Coaching
Science tells us that to be the best at something we need 10,000 hours of practice and to be coached by an expert coach. Doc has way more than 10,000 hours of practice time and he has been coached by some of the best health practitioners in the world.
We offer everyone in our community a FREE WEEK of Coaching. Schedule your QucikStart phone call, and you will be off and running to

We Know How You Feel
When my hormones threw me into the menopause abyss I was no longer myself.
I gained weight and couldn't lose it no matter what I did. I cut my calories, joined a gym, hired a personal trainer, and even went to boot camps, but nothing worked. I couldn't sleep, woke up anxious, had days where I felt low and emotional, lost my interest in being intimate, and even lost my motivation to be social and to have fun.
My husband owned and operated a very successful wellness clinic at that time. He primarily practiced nutritional medicine.
Once I went into menopause, the protocols we were using did not work for me and my weight problem. So that is when my husband, Doc Mac, went on a mission to help me.
He has spent the last fifteen years exclusively helping those of us who had fallen into the menopause abyss. He discovered that as we aged, the difference between youth and middle age was our hormones. Our hormone levels not only tanked once we went into our "third act" of life, but more importantly, our hormones lost their synergy.
"Hormone Synergy Is the interaction or cooperation of two or more hormones to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects."
Hormones usually have a dancing partner. But, once we entered our "Third Act" of life, our hormones quit dancing together.
He discovered that doctors go to The American Academy of Anti-Aging to learn about hormone therapy. He took their courses and eventually took their exam to become Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine, which he passed. That is when he brought hormone therapy to our wellness clinic and combined it with nutritional medicine.
When he introduced hormone therapy to a few patients and me, synthetic hormones were all that was available. At about that same time, research started coming out by the bucketfuls of how synthetic hormones caused cancer. They had to stop the research study because too many participants were developing cancer.
As soon as the research about synthetic hormones became public, we were fortunate because bioidentical hormones were starting to hit the market. We began using them. They were hormones that had an identical structure to those that were God-made. And to be transparent, our patients and I loved them.
Then we started noticing that the bioidentical hormones stopped producing the results we saw in the beginning. Depending on the person, bioidentical hormones worked well for three to six months. We discovered that our bodies eventually developed immunity to bioidentical hormones.
To counteract their ineffectiveness, we started dosing the hormones at higher levels. Once we went into these higher doses, we started seeing the adverse side effects we had seen with synthetic hormones return. We, as wellness practitioners, did not believe in adverse side effects. That is when he started researching natural methods to optimize hormones.
Over the last fifteen years, my husband has developed an all-natural hormone optimization protocol called The HOPE Protocol.
He discovered that for us to be extraordinary (slender and energetic), there were four strands in our "Third Acts" of life. He calls them stands because they must be intertwined to make The HOPE Rope. His HOPE Rope protocol is what pulled me out of the "looking old," "feeling old," and "hormonally challenged" abyss.
If you're ready to climb out of the menopause abyss, schedule a free week of coaching where he, Doc Mac, my husband, will coach you daily, and he will explain EVERYTHING you will need to do to be the "YOU" that you'd desire to be.
What Is HOPE?
The Four Strands
Hormone Optimization
Organic Sustenance
Purifying Detoxes
Enlightenment Coaching

Hormone Optimization
Feel Young
Aging is caused by your hormones. HOPE's goal is not to get your hormone levels back to where they were when you were twenty-nine, but to get the hormones balanced. Every hormone has a dancing partner. It's important to get them dancing again.

Organic Sustenance
Be Slender
We have found that the only way to achieve your bottom, happy, ideal, healthy weight is to eat foods that decrease insulin levels and increase glucagon levels. The menu we use is called The Meso-Menu. It's not a deprivation diet. It's a menu to optimize your waist.

Purifying Detoxes
Optimize Health
We discovered decades ago that the body is filled with toxins. Nearly all of these toxins are human-made. These toxins will adversely affect your liver, gut, and cells. We have developed detoxes that will improve the function of all three. we begin with the liver.

Enlightenment Coaching
Mind Optimization
If you want the process to occur easily and smoothly, you must optimize your thoughts. We have all heard about The Law of Attraction. Once mastered, your journey to being slender and feeling young will be smooth sailing on calm waters.
We know that women in menopause pretend to be "normal," but inside, they are filled with frustration and anguish. They feel like they've reached that age where it's just impossible to be "normal," let alone extraordinary. In order to be awesome in menopause, you will need to have hormones that are harmonized.
Who knows how to harmonize your hormones. Doctors sure haven't been trained in how to do that. And if they don't know how, how are you supposed to know how?
I know how frustrated you are because it happened to me, and now that my husband has learned how to build a rope to throw down to us women in menopause, I believe it is plain wrong that any woman should have to deal with the misery of menopause.
I understand because I have fallen into the abyss and my husband's research has pulled me out and I am now even better than I was before menopause.
He has now helped thousands, more like tens of thousands of women climb out of the menopause abyss.
You too can climb out too because I know you're tired of not being yourself any longer,
Please, be coached by my husband one on one just one time for free and you will see that he knows what he is talking about. He will explain which hormones to harmonize first and how to do it naturally. He will explain how you do not go on a diet but that you just need to eat hormone harmonizing foods.
It only takes one session to know EVERYTHING you will need to know to be slender and energetic.
In this one session, he will 1. Discover where you are at today. 2. Discover what you want to look and feel like. 3. He will explain exactly what you'll need to do to be the "YOU" that you desire to be.
So, click the button below and schedule your private one on one coaching session over the phone so you stop falling deeper and deeper into the hormone abyss caused by menopause and developing more and more symptoms because we have found if you don't do something they will become worse and you will believe that the way you feel is "NORMAL."
So grab the HOPE Rope by talking to Doc, I promise you will not regret giving up one hour of your time to learn the knowledge he had obtained by putting in his ten-thousand hours. If you're not amazed by what you learn, I'll eat my hat or something like that.
Vicky Mac
The Plan
During Our Coaching Session, We Will Take These Four Steps

The Start
We want to know exactly where you are at as you stand at the starting line.
The Finish
We will develop a clear picture of your dream, the where you want to go.
The Tools
We will then customize a bridge that will get you from here to there.
The Guide
We will then explain how you can go it alone or use an experienced guide.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does It Really Cost To Talk To You?
The answer to this question is simple. IT'S FREE! I know nothing is free. The only cost is your time. The session usually takes approximately 45 minutes but I have scheduled an hour for you just in case. In this one session, you will learn everything you will need to know and do to optimize your hormones and weight.
How Do I Know this Will Work For Me?
We will prove it to you! During the first three days of the program, you will lose five to ten pounds. I can say this because less than one percent lose less than five pounds. In the first week, many lose upwards to fifteen pounds. This is not a diet! You can eat all you want of the right foods.
How Much Does Your Coaching Program Costs?
Our coaching program costs nothing! It's an investment. You will invest in yourself being slender, sleeping like a baby, losing the hormonal induced anxiety and depression, getting your tickle back to being intimate, and getting your motivation back to being social. The investment depends on where you are and where you want to go.

We Would Love To Give You Our eBook
HOPE For Your "Third Act."
This eBook will place you on the path to ...
Be Slender, Energetic, and Look and Feel Youthful.
If you wish to have transformations like our clients above, this e-book is your first step.
They will tell you that this e-Book is priceless.
Enter your first name and email, and I will deliver your e-book immediately
Coaching Session
Success Begins with a Single Choice
Some of you are in Menopause Misery. For those of you that are, I have a special offer.
Every one of the women above made a choice that transformed their lives. They all scheduled a coaching session with me.
In this session, we take three steps that will transform your life.
First, we discover exactly where you are today when it comes to the symptoms associated with being in the Hormonal Abyss.
Second, we discover the "YOU" that you desire to be in three, six, twelve months from now.
Third, I will build you a bridge using the tools we know that will drive you toward your dream of being the "YOU" that you desire to BE!
I promise I will GIVE you all the tools you will need in this one phone session