Six Feet Under Season 1 720p Tor
In my reading, H.D.'s varied concerns and images in thiswork all have a defense of poetry and poets at their root. So, when H.D.describes wartime destruction, she conveys it in terms of "our books area floor / of smoldering ash under our feet," (42) as if the war were adirect attack on writers. Similarly, she addresses the "Sword," hermetonym for the violence of war, to warn it that "without thought,invention, / you would not have been," (43) meaning that, while violenceis an unfortunate by-product of human endeavor, it is one that will always besubordinate to--and defined by--the word; for H.D., it is no coincidence that"sword" and "words" are anagrams. Language is not justthe material from which poetry is made, it is a force in its own right, andfor H.D. there is no more worthy use of language than poetry. Poets, in hervision, are "proud and chary," (44) "indifferent to your goodand evil," (45) humbly admitting that "we ... / have our badmoments" but remaining "wistful, ironical, willful," (46)their fluidity conveyed by the alliteration in that phrase. PlainlyH.D.'s poets are varied in their attributes and possess humor andpersonality, far more so than those critics, observers or warmongers who aresimply "good" or "evil."
Six Feet Under Season 1 720p Tor
y7 ' -ATCH TOUK""labelRecord subscribers. Ti renew nt least? a SlH-fore. theirFair tonight and Sunday ; slightly warmer'ton i ght m oderate sout heast and west winds. -J9PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915.HICKORY, N.C., SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1922,PRICE FIVE CENTS''r.tistmmisHTATE FARMERChr, . .- v ': y . - : ; -. -lj.lwMm0 T7T7ro77T7 Iine six mmWWFeature md$8iaviSpecial Programs Arranged by Churches for Tomorrow Christmasday School ExercisesPlaces Where Peoplemui'al number?, all ex-'r: I,..sentinu-nts ot the day,lill be innl.T.',1 in the Hickorytomorrow, anc tne various""" ...:M . .. v.w. J Will U' U ' V Isermons appro-. ... th,. .uiasion. In some ofP1'',. ...u.,, ,..muI Christmas davS k ...;u Vicl.l Mondav and'v. . ...... .i nii-xitiT sirr n n .diildivnSumliiVliiJu'l'ywill bring outTin- churches...... niM i'U Jii nmK bi-i-n tastefully decorated for the.. ;ni rvk.'s. the choirs have beenmined 'for the Christmas music, andir"'"" . tu.. u:.. ufh-irksirivini; uu me mini ini"u;.. :ilu lie smii' oi mi- .unBivirfl he in evidence. Members and visi-.... .inu iiT . ?v u tin .v.... ...hf city.jSNOl'NfFMKNT OF SERVICESciiKisT i rrm-KAN cm kchill'V.. A. Freed. Castor..h.M.I iit 10 a. m. ServiceSundayChilil! t'tl yvivuc unuay i-mmiuik aijicrvicc i ih iuii.i. u. i.v .ii iS:rani!i'i's arc welrome to all ser-CHRISTMAS TUKK SKRV1CBAT HOLY TIMMTY CIIURCHTin Chi-i'.ttnas tree service at HolyJlrinity th in ill at o clock music oi aiunems,jtuLs and I hiirttmas hymns, anaChristmas solus ly Mrs. Tomlinson.Mr. AltuTt Hewitt, Jr.Highland HaptistH, ('. WhiUni-r. pastorSrwbv N'hiioi at '.): 15, A. T.Fox,Sr.marhirn; nt eb-ven by the pastor.Bhjrt't: "The ('umlfffttsion of Christ.B Y. P. I . ai t;. ii. in.rWhinir fit 7 !. in bv the pastor.JftjKt; "The Rejected Clirwt."n'ou au- cordially invited to attendatx services.W".t Hickory ReformedII. McNairy, pastor.l!ii(ikt'oi'dThe Sunday school will have itsaristmas service at 7:00 o'clockMurphy Memorial9:;' Sunday school, L. A. Huffman,Mfr.rr.emier.t.11:00 Christmas sc'rvice. .The public is cordially invitediFirst KaiitUtW. R. UraiUluaw, pastorSuiiday schoui at 9:45, Thomas-utt, fuperintentient.Machine at eleven o'clock bv pas' subject; "The First Christmaswai hinir nt seven o'clock. Subject, 'Day Helicon."I Y. P. U. at six o'clock. r. A.Wener, president. Come and wor-'3 MJith US.. . FIRST .MF.iTlODISTS. kirkpatrick, pastor.lUlav school ut u. m.ciiil Christmas music will ' be auri! of the morning service andpast(r will r,r,.ncti ,,n TVip Christ-h Spirit.".fne F.pworth league has charge atW. These Vdtlnir txw.nlo havu nt'P-W a jt'Mid program of- ChristmasI?11' recitation, nimlftminip.' . etc."WmasI'l'l IIIIV V.l 1 k VI IV'Minate Will lu. hn.ii,k h fV.""J hour.I'hiladelphia LutheranGi-ariitf. Falls.sJl'V' J: J.Kirklev, P"tor.y M-nooi at 10 a. miWKl'V tun....:... . I .Mr. C.u -j nu,,,-, inu'iKieni."''nntifi- w...v.;,.,. ... , . ,.,.ir,.,LTht'.sl,phiT(l.s' Joy." Luke 2:10:Jry0 Have Christmas All theHondo v ., n ... . . 'Sim 7i- . ' p- a ennstmas "roP entitled, "The Bells of Christ-will be rendered followed by. Pubhc j;, cordially invited toat all our services.N' EXRKCISK8 ATli' HI. MKTMODIST CHURCHn iim. .'Whfulallfrayer.fintni. i . .Off..,, "-on Martha Jlortonvi i rv"O Little Town of Bethf'Wtn " .. . i.i i . . . ..... .i ihm,.... " 'manortot.iK-nt Night."yv a ...i . ... 'irtetDeal,rH am Cf.i.i.mSTjh,. Wiie Men., ws Seizor and Mr. Dellin'loLuurm Defil.iriv,..".''r'I',,,1, Daughter," by"f gifts.Day Services and Sun-in Many ChurchesMay Worship.yy Fi"t PresbyterianRev. E. M. Craig, D. D., -Pastorloth street nnrl i rttv. nxrni aSunday school at 9:45 a. m.K. J. KeVelev. SirnprinfcnnlMrMorning service at 11 oV-Wc. ThnKev. N. J. Wricrht. of thf MtVinH:episcopal cnurch, will, occupy themi pit.At the seven o clock a spe:-ie.l service win be given by tho Sundavscnoor, at which time the carious depanments will otter a pageant, entitled "Together Shall They Sing' Thepublic" is cordially invited to attendthis, as well as all other services ofthe church.St. Andrew's LutheranH. B. Perry, Ph. D., pastor.The program of the Christmas service at 11:00 a. m. is as follows:Organ prelude.Hymn "O Come, All Ye Faithful."'Anthem "The Angel's . Song"Cranmer.Sermon "What we see in the Man-Solo "O Holy Night." Adam, Mrs.Morgan.Hymn "Hark, the Herald AngelsSing."7:00 p. m. Special Christmas Pageant by the Sunday school.Bible school at 9:45.Everybody is cordially invited to allthese services.Ascension, Episcopal"Rev. S. B. Stroun, Rector.The services at the Episcopal churchon Sunday next will be as follows:7:30 a, m, Holy Communion.9:45 a. m. Church school.11:00 a. m. morning prayer andsermon.No service at 7:00 o'clock.Christmas eve service at 11:30 p. m.This is the so called midnight service and is always one or the mosticautiful and impressive services otthe Christmas season.Christmas day service with a celebration of the Holy Communion at10::i0 a. m.The public is cordially invited to theChristmas festivities.CHRISTMAS EXERCISES ATFIRST HAITIST CHURCHThe First Paiptist Sunday schoolwill observe their annual Christmasexercise at the church tonight at7:30 p. m.An interesting program has been arranged and Santa Claus will be thereto reward the little folks.It has been the custom of theBaptist to remember others at this season and every one is requested tobring a Rift and make the "WhiteChristmas feature" the best of ourprogram.. "It's more blessed to give than toreceive.THOS. P. PRUITT, Supt.Holv Trinity Lutheran13th avenue and 15th street.Rev. Chas. R. W. Kegley, pastorAt 11 a. m. Sunday services sub-ect of sermon: "Tne r.iernimade Flesh, theChrist-child, theSaviour."' a n n m no servicesin viewof special services, short address andmusic' appropriate fc ChristmasDav. will be rendered.At 7 d. m. Monday the Sundayruriativina tree nrogram wIItbe given by the Primary and Inter-Carols, readings, responses etc. v,mhe enioved bv all present. The mubhc" . . r1 r-ritf l I Itreatto be given out after church Sunday I Coast Line train eh" route, from Jacka. m. sonville to New York, were derailedlllVIlt'U. . -AT HOLY TRINITYl.ifV- Christmasmorningp,.m at Holy Trinity Lutherannight" Mcuantt.Prayer.-Scripture Lesson. ' . , - ,Hym-VCome Hither ye Faithful.' Anthem-"That First ChristmasMorn. Newxon. v..-,Mnio "The Birthday of our Kins--Ncidlenger.'Mrs. Tomlinson.-gSC5bh Utth Town of Bethleu" hstt. Mrs. Toml.nson and Mrs.Iltll . ' 'Kegley. x .. .u .i r-ShSin.VhisMorn."; Orcan nroIa.le-"Aaoration"-Ath-"cborUH-'-n'Kthe Herald AnprclSincrs'-Mcnn.u'- n th World"Hymn NoLutkin. , -. The Apostle's creed.Birthday of Jesus."-Wilson, by . nonsive andcesMICH PLANSNEWTMATiflNSYSTEMBv the Associated Pifsi.ansing, Mich.. Dec. 23. F.n.irr-ment Of legislation to remoHol t)ir.state's taxation system, cut down th.cost of state government, develop thestate as an agricultural center, tighten the "blue sky" laws and broadenwomen's fights will be asked, alongwith other proposed changes in thelaws, of the Michigan legislaturewhen it convenes in regular session ir.January.Outstanding in the prospectivelegislation are the following proposals: To provide a gasoline tax to financehighway development and maintenance without a real pronertv tax.To make more compact the centralized state government which was inaugurated two years ago, bv curtailing and combining departments.10 make the furnishing of prisonous liquor punishable as tighten the motor vehicle prescribing more specifically thelighting equipment on automobiles.and increasing the penalties for speed-in" and reckless driving.To delegate to the state agricultural college much of the work doneby the state agricultural department.Jo provide what amount to a literacy test for coters.To provide a bill of right for wo-me?i. which will put them on an equalstanrlmg with men in business andwelfare matters.To enact a land certification lawwhich will enable nonresidents of thestate to invest in Michigan's undeveloped lands and to provide that thestare encourage reforestation of idleland-! not suited to agriculture by reducing taxes.The reapportionment of the statlegislative, district, which comes bc-for-'-'the ligisdature by virtue of tbf1902 federal census, stands high Vrpta'e Interest. Other measures include provision for a eugenics law:to devise ways and means or raisingmoney to retire the $01,550,000 stattbor'led indebtedness without addingto the tax burden on real ipronertyjind'to make insanity grounds foidivorce.An attempt may be made to rcvivthe income tax, which was initiatcr1bv the 1921 legislature and defeatedby the voters.MRS. SIGMON DEADNewton, Dec. 23. Mrs. Lewis Sigmon. aged about 80 years, died Thursday night. Funeral services were heltoday from Mt. Olive Lutherarchurch.She is survived by two childrenMiss Minnie Sigmcn and Mr. IL ASigmon. ,By the Associated Press.Rocky Mount, N. C., Dec. 23. Fifvteen .passengers were injured earlytoday when eight cars, including fouisleepers, and the ongine oi Atlanticinear Lucania. Two of the injured. Mrs.S. L. Glass, 1-aureii, imss., wiiuvback was hurt, and Mamie niuuit;negress of Raeford, N. C, nervousshock, were brought here.The others; only slightly injuredwere treated at the scene.Offitials after making an investigation announced that the wreck wasO . - 1 ' ! 'probably caused by a oroKen ran.The fact that the last traveling waindid not injure more of the 250 personswas regarded as marvelous'.COTTON GROWERS ARETO GET ONE MILLIONT?..leih. N. C. Doe. 22. Checks totaling one million dollars went out tohova from the North CarolinaIjCotton Growers' Cooperative Associa-tion weanesuay ik'" -secondadvance of $25 a bale and checkstor a similar inuum. mm. y. y, it was announced irom neauquarters. ' . ,Checks should have gone out on December 15, it was stated, but on account of cloudy and rainy weathe?which has prevailed, the grading ofcotton which can only be done in sunlight, and which is necessary beforeWnvPhonse receipts are negotiable, wasBy the" Associated press. : .Santa Pe, Nl - M '.- Dee. 23. Sivmen with heavy suit cases, who arrived from Los Vegas in an automobileearly today were placed in jailpending investigation in connectionwith the robbery of the federal minttruck at Denver, of $200,000 in currency. v ; ' ,'The. United States " marshal's officehad received a tip from Los Vegasand Deputy Gouchey and AssistantSuperintendent Dugan of the penitentiary, after observing the suspectsat breakfast in a restaurant, tonk-them into custody.HIES IIJEWTfFIEDAIMER ROUGE C;By the Associated Press.Mer Rouge, La., Dec. 23. The wirebound mutilated bodies of two men recovered yesterday on ,Lake Laforcheby state troops believed to be thoseof Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards,who disappeared after being kidnappedby hooded and masked men last August, were further identified this morning when viewed by Richards' widow,J. L. Daniels, aged father of Watt, anda score of other relatives and friendsIdentification of Daniels at least iscomplete, according to authorities, because of initials "F. W. D." found ona belt buckle, and which Daniels wassaid to have worn at the time.The bodies are lying in the Masonictemple, where they are guarded by adetachment of Monroe national guard.The guards are armed with automaticrifles and instructed by Captain Cooper to shoot persons who may attemptto spirit away the bodies. :" The inquest' "may be held late thisafternoon, according to Dr. Fred Patterson, the coroner.HEARING IN JANUARYBy the Associated Press.Monroe, La., Dec. 23. AttorneyCleneral Coco has has set January 5 asthe date for the Morehouse parish openhearing in connection with the Moi'ehouse kidnapping case, it was learn-d here today.By the Associated Press.Pittsburgh, Pa.,. Dec. 23. Fourbandits today shot Ross Dennis, paymaster of the Pittsburg Coal Company and escaped with a satchel containing about $20,000 in currency. Thehold up occurred on Mount Lebanonnear here while a party of companyofficials were carrying pay to the miners.11'' County detectives armed with riotuns, were rushed to Mount Lebanonfrom the sheriff's office here. -"ft!.Dennis was riding a motorcycle inadvance of an automobile in whichSuperintendent William Young andthree other employes were guardingthe pay satchel. The bandits shot Dennis without warning and he fell fromthe motorcycle. Before the driver couldstop 'his machine, they were upon it.The robbers obtained the satchel andescaped.UTILIZING HIM"Obbahoogin! Labbadoogon! Elug-gablah'ble!" cooed the infant;"Dear me!" sighed the young motn-sv-a-V T 1 1 ' I 1 1 TI 1 A. Jer. now l wisn nxxie nunwi wuuiulearn to talk!" '"Talk nothing!" ihouted. the prodigy's-sire. "Gimme aper and pencil!If he'll just keep dn that way"-111soon: have enough names for PullmanCars5 td win us a million dollars.Kansas City Star. JNO PAPER MONDAY..The Record will nit publish onMonday Christmas day but willappear on Tuesday afternoon, asusual. Christmas is cine of the fewholidays the Record force is able toenjoy. The paper desires - to express; to its friends jits appreciation T of their support during , theclosing year and to ivish them allthe! fhappiness possible to crowdnto this joyous season.r . .. I0 BANDITS GETWITHABE HEPORT0ACTBy the Associated Press.naieigh, ,n. ; C.y Dec. 23. Des-Mothe fact weather conditions h; vv ... munsettled during the past tv.o weeks,farming progress has been generalsemi-monthly bulletin issued by theNorth Carolina and United States departments of agriculture.The bulletin follow:-. :"More cotton has been c-inncd thanexpected, indicating a larger crop.Praciteally all o the crop has hoenPicked. The percent ginned todat -. isslightly less than last year. The quality is good. The production for thestate is estimated at S52.000 baiei;of 500 pounds, gross weight, or -100,-489,000pounds of lint. The 'productionis greater than last year by about75,009 bales, and is 67,000 bales, greater than the ten year averap-n. Theprice of 24.5 cents is about 8 centshigher than a year ago."The auction sales of tobacco soldtodate total 166,000 pounds; The average price is 31 cents per pound, orabout 4 cents better than last year.The heaviest sales were reported onthe Tollowing markets;-Wilson. Wins.Tonraiem, Greenville, Kmstch andKocky Mount."Hay prices are generally firmthe receipts are ample for the demand. This has been one of the state'slargest hay crops in yield and acreage. Pastures are furnishing sometood tor livestock due to the continued rams and normal temperatures"Future grain prices advanced during the week ending December 12, andregained a good inart of the losses ofthe previous week. The week closedat $1.18 5-8 for the December wheatand 70 1-2 cents for the Decembeicorn. Ked winter wheat is reportedscarce.This has been a record breaking-year tor shipments oi pears in thcountry as a whole, with Californiathe leading state, with a productionof 5,000,000 bushels. This state's commercial pear cron is comparativelysmall. Large ciuantities of apples artbeing marketed from this sta'The total shipments of leading1 ines of vegetables and truck haveropped sharidy. Potato marketweakened in spite of decreased shipments. Prices of cabbage and onionshave .advanced: Syvwt potatoes act-vance'd-slightly, due to decreased receipts."1 nis season s shipments of