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Nikifor Solovyov
Nikifor Solovyov

Sorğu-Sual: Bakıda hansı filmin baş qəhrəmanı olmaq istəyərdiniz?

What is sorğu sual?

H2: Definition and origin of sorğu sual Definition and origin of sorğu sual

H3: Sorğu sual as a compound word Sorğu sual as a compound word

H3: Sorğu sual as a noun Sorğu sual as a noun

H3: Sorğu sual as a verb Sorğu sual as a verb

H2: Examples and usage of sorğu sual Examples and usage of sorğu sual

H3: Sorğu sual in formal contexts Sorğu sual in formal contexts

H4: Sorğu sual in legal and judicial settings Sorğu sual in legal and judicial settings

H4: Sorğu sual in academic and scientific settings Sorğu sual in academic and scientific settings

H3: Sorğu sual in informal contexts Sorğu sual in informal contexts

H4: Sorğu sual in social media and entertainment Sorğu sual in social media and entertainment

H4: Sorğu sual in everyday conversations Sorğu sual in everyday conversations

H2: Synonyms and antonyms of sorğu sual Synonyms and antonyms of sorğu sual

H3: Synonyms of sorğu sual Synonyms of sorğu sual

H4: Table of synonyms with meanings and examples Table of synonyms with meanings and examples

H3: Antonyms of sorğu sual Antonyms of sorğu sual

H4: Table of antonyms with meanings and examples Table of antonyms with meanings and examples

H2: Conclusion Conclusion

H3: Summary of the main points Summary of the main points

H3: Call to action or question for the reader Call to action or question for the reader

FAQs FAQs What is sorğu sual?

If you are learning Azerbaijani or interested in its culture, you might have come across the term "sorğu sual". But what does it mean and how do you use it? In this article, we will explore the definition, origin, examples, synonyms, and antonyms of this versatile word.

sorğu sual

Definition and origin of sorğu sual

Sorğu sual is a compound word that consists of two nouns: sorğu and sual. Sorğu means "question" or "inquiry", while sual means "question" or "query". Together, they form a dvandva compound, which is a type of compound word that expresses a combination or collection of two equal concepts. For example, in English, we have words like "sweet and sour", "black and white", or "bread and butter".

According to the Azerbaijani Language Institute, the word sorğu sual dates back to the 16th century, when it was first used in the poetry of Fuzuli, one of the most influential figures in Azerbaijani literature. He used the word to express the idea of "asking and answering questions" or "having a dialogue".

Sorğu sual as a compound word

As a compound word, sorğu sual can function as a noun or a verb, depending on the context. It can also have different meanings and connotations, depending on the tone and intention of the speaker or writer. Let's look at some examples of how sorğu sual can be used as a compound word.

Sorğu sual as a noun

As a noun, sorğu sual can mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", "dialogue", "conversation", "interrogation", or "examination". It can be used to refer to any situation where two or more parties exchange information, opinions, or ideas through questions and answers. For example:

sorğu sual viktorina

sorğu sual sosial eksperiment

sorğu sual youtube

sorğu sual oyunu

sorğu sual testi

sorğu sual maraqlı

sorğu sual dini

sorğu sual psixoloji

sorğu sual iq

sorğu sual tarixi

sorğu sual cəmiyyət

sorğu sual mədəniyyət

sorğu sual elmi

sorğu sual ədəbiyyat

sorğu sual siyasi

sorğu sual hüquqi

sorğu sual idman

sorğu sual musiqi

sorğu sual kino

sorğu sual tibb

sorğu sual fəlsəfə

sorğu sual riyaziyyat

sorğu sual fizika

sorğu sual kimya

sorğu sual biologiya

sorğu sual coğrafiya

sorğu sual astronomiya

sorğu sual informatika

sorğu sual dilşünaslıq

sorğu sual tərcüməçilik

sorğu sual pedaqoji

sorğu sual jurnalistika

sorğu sual iqtisadiyyat

sorğu sual marketinq

sorğu sual maliyyə

sorğu sual biznes

sorğu sual mühasibatlıq

sorğu sual bankçılıq

sorğu sual sığortaçılıq

sorğu sual turizmçilik

sorğu sual avtomobilçilik

sorğu sual tikintiçilik

sorğu sual dizaynçılıq

sorğu sual modacılıq

sorğu sual şeirçilik

sorğu sual yazıçılıq

sorğu sual rəssamlıq

sorğu sual heykəltaraşlıq

sorğu sual fotoçılıq

  • Bizimlə sorğu sual edən jurnalistlər oldu. (There were journalists who interviewed us.)

  • Sorğu sual zamanı hər kəs öz fikrini bildirdi. (Everyone expressed their opinion during the dialogue.)

  • Müdafiə komitəsi tələbənin sorğu sualına hazırlaşdı. (The defense committee prepared for the student's examination.)

Sorğu sual as a verb

As a verb, sorğu sual can mean "to ask and answer questions", "to inquire and respond", "to have a dialogue", "to converse", "to interrogate", or "to examine". It can be used to describe any action where two or more parties communicate through questions and answers. For example:

  • Mən onunla sorğu sual etmək istəyirəm. (I want to have a dialogue with him.)

  • Polis şübhəliləri sorğu sual edir. (The police interrogates the suspects.)

  • O, mənimlə sorğu sual etmədən qapını çıxdı. (He left the door without conversing with me.)

Examples and usage of sorğu sual

Sorğu sual is a common and versatile word that can be used in various contexts, both formal and informal. It can also have different shades of meaning, depending on the tone and intention of the speaker or writer. Let's look at some examples of how sorğu sual can be used in different contexts.

Sorğu sual in formal contexts

In formal contexts, such as legal, judicial, academic, or scientific settings, sorğu sual can be used to mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", "dialogue", or "examination". It can be used to refer to any process or event where two or more parties exchange information, opinions, or ideas through questions and answers. For example:

Sorğu sual in legal and judicial settings

In legal and judicial settings, such as courts, trials, hearings, or investigations, sorğu sual can be used to mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", or "interrogation". It can be used to refer to any procedure or activity where one party asks questions to another party to obtain information, evidence, or testimony. For example:

  • Hakim məhkumun sorğu sualını başa vurdu. (The judge finished the interrogation of the convict.)

  • Şahidlərin sorğu sualları davaya aydınlıq gətirdi. (The question and answer of the witnesses brought clarity to the case.)

  • Müvəkkilin sorğu suala cavab verməyə hüququ var. (The client has the right to respond to the inquiry.)

Sorğu sual in academic and scientific settings

In academic and scientific settings, such as schools, universities, research institutes, or conferences, sorğu sual can be used to mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", "dialogue", or "examination". It can be used to refer to any process or event where two or more parties exchange information, opinions, or ideas through questions and answers. For example:

  • Tələbələr müəllimin sorğu suallarına cavab verdi. (The students answered the teacher's questions.)

  • Elmi məqalənin sonunda sorğu sual bölməsi var. (There is a question and answer section at the end of the scientific article.)

  • Konfransda iştirakçılarla sorğu sual edildi. (There was a dialogue with the participants at the conference.)

Sorğu sual in informal contexts

In informal contexts, such as social media, entertainment, or everyday conversations, sorğu sual can be used to mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", "dialogue", or "conversation". It can be used to refer to any situation or activity where two or more parties communicate through questions and answers. For example:

Sorğu sual in social media and entertainment

In social media and entertainment, such as blogs, podcasts, videos, or games, sorğu sual can be used to mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", or "dialogue". It can be used to refer to any content or feature where one party asks questions to another party to obtain information, feedback, or entertainment. For example:

  • Bloqumda yeni sorğu sual postu paylaşdım. (I shared a new question and answer post on my blog.)

  • Podkastda qonaqla sorğu sual etdik. (We had a dialogue with the guest on the podcast.)

  • Videoda izləyicilərin sorğu suallarına cavab verdim. (I answered the viewers' questions on the video.)

Sorğu sual in everyday conversations

In everyday conversations, such as chats, calls, or meetings, sorğu sual can be used to mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", or "conversation". It can be used to refer to any interaction or exchange where two or more parties communicate through questions and answers. For example:

  • Çatda dostumla sorğu sual etdim. (I had a conversation with my friend on the chat.)

  • Zəngdə anam məni sorğu sual etdi. (My mother asked me questions on the call.)

  • Toplantıda müdürümüz bizə sorğu sual etdi. (Our manager inquired us at the meeting.)

Synonyms and antonyms of sorğu sual

Sorğu sual is a word that has many synonyms and antonyms in Azerbaijani. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meaning as another word, while antonyms are words that have the opposite or contrasting meaning as another word. Let's look at some synonyms and antonyms of sorğu sual.

Synonyms of sorğu sual

Some synonyms of sorğu sual are:

Table of synonyms with meanings and examples

Synonym Meaning Example --- --- --- Soruşma Questioning, interrogation Polis şübhəliləri sorousma edir. (The police is questioning the suspects.) Suallama Questioning, asking Mən ona nəyisən deyə suallamaq istədim. (I wanted to ask him what he was doing.) Müsahibə Interview, conversation Bizimlə müsahibə edən jurnalistlər oldu. (There were journalists who interviewed us.) Danışıq Talk, dialogue Danışıq zamanı hər kəs öz fikrini bildirdi. (Everyone expressed their opinion during the talk.) Söhbət Chat, conversation Çatda dostumla söhbət etdim. (I chatted with my friend on the chat.) Antonyms of sorğu sualSome antonyms of sorğu sual are:

Table of antonyms with meanings and examples

Antonym Meaning Example --- --- --- Cavab Answer, response Mən onun sorğusuna cavab verdim. (I answered his question.) İzah Explanation, clarification O, mənə problemi izah etdi. (He explained the problem to me.) Bəyan Statement, declaration O, məhkəmədə bəyan verdi. (He gave a statement in the court.) Susmaq Silence, quietness O, mənimlə sorğu sual etmədən susdu. (He was silent without asking me anything.) Qarşı çıxmaq To oppose, to object O, müdürün sorğu sualına qarşı çıxdı. (He opposed the manager's inquiry.) Conclusion

Sorğu sual is a word that has many meanings and uses in Azerbaijani. It can be used as a noun or a verb, and it can have different connotations depending on the context and tone. It can refer to any situation or activity where two or more parties communicate through questions and answers. It can also have synonyms and antonyms that express similar or opposite concepts.

Summary of the main points

In this article, we have learned that:

  • Sorğu sual is a compound word that consists of two nouns: sorğu and sual.

  • Sorğu sual dates back to the 16th century, when it was first used by Fuzuli in his poetry.

  • Sorğu sual can function as a noun or a verb, depending on the context.

  • Sorğu sual can mean "question and answer", "inquiry and response", "dialogue", "conversation", "interrogation", or "examination".

  • Sorğu sual can be used in formal and informal contexts, such as legal, judicial, academic, scientific, social media, entertainment, or everyday conversations.

  • Sorğu sual has synonyms and antonyms that express similar or opposite meanings.

Call to action or question for the reader

We hope you have enjoyed this article and learned something new about sorğu sual. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. We would love to hear from you. And if you want to learn more about Azerbaijani language and culture, please subscribe to our blog or follow us on social media. Thank you for reading!

FAQs Q: What is the difference between sorğu and sual? A: Sorğu and sual are both nouns that mean "question" or "query". However, sorğu is more often used to mean "inquiry" or "investigation", while sual is more often used to mean "query" or "request". For example: - Polis sorğu aparır. (The police conducts an inquiry.) - Mən səndən bir sual soracaqam. (I will ask you a question.) Q: How do you pronounce sorğu sual? A: Sorğu sual is pronounced as /sɔɾɡʊ sʊɑl/. You can listen to the audio pronunciation here. Q: How do you write sorğu sual in Azerbaijani alphabet? A: Sorğu sual is written as sorğu-sual in Azerbaijani alphabet. The hyphen (-) is used to connect the two nouns in a compound word. Q: How do you translate sorğu sual into English? A: Sorğu sual can be translated into English in different ways, depending on the context and tone. Some possible translations are: - Question and answer - Inquiry and response - Dialogue - Conversation - Interrogation - Examination Q: How do you use sorğu sual in a sentence? A: Sorğu sual can be used as a noun or a verb in a sentence, depending on the context. Here are some examples of how to use sorğu sual in a sentence: - Bizimlə sorğu-sual edən jurnalistlər oldu. (There were journalists who interviewed us.) - Mən onunla sorğu-sual etmək istəyirəm. (I want to have a dialogue with him.) - Sorğu-sual zamanı hər kəs öz fikrini bildirdi. (Everyone expressed their opinion during the dialogue.) - Müdafiə komitəsi tələbənin sorğu-sualına hazırlaşdı. (The defense committee prepared for the student's examination.)


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